Home / Working for Council
Thank you for your interest in working in the Quilpie Shire. Our region consisting of the communities of Quilpie, Eromanga, Adavale and Toompine, boasts a range of industries and employment opportunities. This jobs board lists any current vacancies with Quilpie Shire Council in addition to local businesses and organisations that have positions available based within the Shire.
Local business and organisations are also welcome to have their job vacancies listed by clicking on the following link.
*Note – all applications are to be accompanied by a completed applicant cover sheet. Download the Applicant Cover Sheet here.
The following guide is provided to assist you in making the best possible application. You can download the printable version here
In submitting an application, you will need to demonstrate to Council that you possess an ability/skill by providing examples where you have applied the particular ability/skill in the past. Before you apply read the Position Description for the job you are interested in. The Position Description will list:
Your application should include:
Applicant Cover Sheet
You must fully complete the Applicant Cover Sheet ensuring that you provide your current contact details.
Cover Letter
The cover letter must address the key requirements of the position. If a qualification, skill or ability is listed as being essential, then you must have that qualification, skill or ability to be considered for the position. Be sure to include in the cover letter information about previous situations when you have had to use that knowledge, skill or ability. If a qualification or skill is listed as being desirable, then you don’t need to have that particular qualification, knowledge or skill to be considered for the position, but if you do, include this in your cover letter as it will add value to your application. Your cover letter should also address the values of the organisation so make sure that you describe why you think that you will fit well into the culture of the organisation.
Resume/Curriculum Vitae
This is a brief summary of your details including:
Copies of Qualifications, licences, tickets and/or certificates
Only copies of your qualifications, licences, tickets and certificates should be forwarded with your application – please do not send originals as they will remain in the recruitment folder and will not be returned.
The selection panel will use all of the information provided in your cover letter, resume and attachments but will concentrate on how you have demonstrated your ability to meet the position requirements through an analysis of your qualifications, skills, abilities, experience and knowledge. If you have not provided enough information to demonstrate your skills in your application, you will not be shortlisted for an interview.
All applicants are shortlisted after the position’s closing date. This involves:
Shortlisted applicants will then be contacted by phone to arrange an interview. Applicants that weren’t shortlisted for an interview will be advised in writing.
All shortlisted applicants are interviewed. The interview will consist of a series of questions based on the position requirements. You will have the opportunity to explain and expand on the information provided in your application. The selection panel’s task is to establish whether you possess the necessary skills, qualifications and attributes to perform the duties and requirements of the position or in some cases, have the potential to acquire these skills within a reasonable time.
Your task is to demonstrate to the selection panel on how well you meet the position requirements and why you are the most suitable applicant for the position. During the interview don’t assume that the panel members know about your suitability for the job even though you may have worked with them or have previous experience in the position. Remember, the interview is a two way process; therefore, as well as the selection panel asking questions, you may ask questions as well.
During the interview, it would be preferable if you could provide a firm commencement date should you be successful in obtaining the position.
A range of assessment methods may be used to assist in selection including Language, Literacy and Numeracy testing and where applicable, plant operator practical testing.
Referees may be contacted by the panel during the selection process. Often the panel will confirm with you that the referees are still current prior to conducting a reference check.
The selection panel will assess each interviewed applicant for overall application rating and decisions will be made on the most suitable applicant for the position. Where the merit of applicants residing within the shire area or particular town where the position is based is comparable to those of applicants external to the shire or town, residents of the shire or town will be given preference.
The interview panel will make a recommendation to the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer will be provided with the recruitment folder and all related documents. The successful applicant will then be notified as soon as possible after the Chief Executive Officer has approved the offer of employment. All other interviewed applicants will be notified verbally.
All offers of employment are subject to the applicant successfully passing a pre-employment medical, drug test and national criminal history check. No applicant is to commence employment with Council before the test results have been received without prior approval from the Chief Executive Officer.
Unsuccessful applicants may obtain feedback on their application and interview by contacting Council’s Human Resources Officer.
The objective of your application is to convince the selection panel that you are the person they are looking for to fill their vacancy. There is no ‘right way’ of preparing your written application however you should consider the following:
Applications for any vacancy must be received by the closing date shown on the position advertisement and should be forwarded to:
Post to:
Human Resources
Quilpie Shire Council
PO Box 57, QUILPIE QLD 4480
Deliver to:
Human Resources
Quilpie Shire Council
50 Brolga Street, QUILPIE QLD 4480
Email to: admin@quilpie.qld.gov.au
Fax to: 07 4656 1441
For additional guidance or assistance in applying for a vacancy with Council, please do not hesitate to contact Human Resources Officer, Maree Radnedge or myself directly on 07 4656 0500.
Good luck with your application!
Justin Hancock
Chief Executive Officer
Welcome – You are about to start work for Quilpie Shire Council! Employees, Contractors and their staff are required to register and induct through the Online Induction system. You will be required to upload evidence of training and qualifications/competencies, so please ensure these are available to upload. You must monitor your emails following the registration in the event your uploads are rejected (e.g. unreadable, expired or insufficient). Please click on the box below that applies to you.