Quilpie Shire Job Vacancies

Current Job Vacancies available in Quilpie Shire


Fixed Term Part Time

Council is proud to collaborate with the Australian and Queensland Governments to auspice a part-time position of Community Services Coordinator, a role that has been designed for the purpose of...

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Council is seeking expressions of interest from applications who would like to be on-call for casual employment on an ‘as-needed’ basis. Potential roles include administration, labourer and plant operators. For...

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Online Inductions

Welcome – You are about to start work for Quilpie Shire Council! Employees, Contractors and their staff are required to register and induct through the Online Induction system. You will be required to upload evidence of training and qualifications/competencies, so please ensure these are available to upload. You must monitor your emails following the registration in the event your uploads are rejected (e.g. unreadable, expired or insufficient). Please click on the box below that applies to you.
