Cr Tony Lander
Tony has lived and worked in remote communities all of his life and came to reside in Quilpie in the year 1986 and has been a resident since.
Tony began driving machinery for the Quilpie Shire Council, and after 6 years progressed to overseeing construction of many shire roads in the district. After 12.5 years on the council, he then ventured into the trucking industry. It was around this time, Tony bought a house in Quilpie which has remained in to this day.
Firstly carting cattle for 6.5 years for Hanson’s Transport and then venturing into carting fuels and oils for Runaway Petroleum. Tony then moved into the freight industry eventually carting cattle, freight and tipping for Bonsey’s Transport. After this, Tony transitioned into a manager’s position for Runaway Petroleum until the depot was closed. He then worked for IOR as a driver carting crude oils and fuel in the Cooper Basin. He worked machinery for approximately 18 months and then went to work as a station manager at Kiandra/Wiralla on the Bulloo River.
Tony is a proud father and grandfather, many whom still live in the Shire. Providing opportunities for young residents in Quilpie is one of the main driving factors as to why he ran for a councillor position. Tony feels strongly for opportunities, especially for the young local residents to be trained and upskilled, so they can stay to build a better future in Quilpie to benefit the Shire socially and economically and have an impact on young people investing in the community.
Tony is also passionate about building relationships with landholders and business people who have the local knowledge to be able to work together to make good decisions for the future of the community.
This is Tony’s first term as a local councillor, and he feels privileged to have the opportunity to represent the Quilpie community.