
Roads & Infrastracture

Our home, our communities, your Quilpie Shire Council

Roads & Infrastructure

Council is responsible for approximately 2,000 kilometres of road network across the Quilpie Shire Council area (67,482 km2).

Council advises motorists to take caution on all roads and drive to prevailing conditions. Drivers are urged to show caution when crossing any stormwater on roadways and not to attempt to traverse creeks and other crossings that are clearly under water. Please be aware that potholes may form in road pavements during periods of high rainfall.

Road Conditions

Click here to access the Emergency Events Dashboard which shows the latest updates on all road conditions and emergency events

Some of the more regularly used roads in the region are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transport and Main Roads. For information on Main Roads closures, please visit

Road Works

Roads are subject to deterioration due to traffic and changing weather conditions. Please report any road issues to Council on (07) 4656 0500 or email If possible, provide the following details when reporting:

  • Is it a hole, crack, bulge or depression?
  • Whereabouts on the road – edge, shoulder, wheel path, centre, runs the width / length of the road?
  • Near which intersection / landmark?
  • How deep? – compared to basketball, cricket ball, car tyre etc.
  • What is the approximate diameter, width / length of the defect?

Rural Road Property Numbers

Rural addressing is a straight-forward method of identifying, locating and addressing properties in rural areas throughout Australia. It provides easy identification and location of properties for emergency and delivery services and visitors. In Queensland, the responsibility for implementing rural addressing lies with local government.

Rural road addressing property numbering is a distance based measurement system that allocates each rural property a unique address based on the distance of the property entrance from the nearest major intersection. The rural address number is determined by dividing that distance, measured in metres, by ten.

Street Lighting

The majority of street light and / or pole maintenance on road reserves is the responsibility of Ergon Energy. You can contact Ergon on 13 22 96 or online here

Lighting under Council responsibility

Please contact Council if there are lighting defects in the following locations:

  • In parks and reserves
  • Lighting around Council buildings
  • Around parks facilities (e.g. barbeques)

For power lines down or live wires exposed, contact Ergon Energy urgently on 13 22 96. 
